Job Search Program Frustrated about finding employers and avoiding the HR runaround? Are you ready to take action and stop wasting time? Good news: Help is here ! Announcing: Guerrilla Job Search Online Platform Now you can get the job you want — thanks to our 7-Step “Guerrilla Job Search Process”, the online job finding system which helps keep you land your ideal job. Fact: No other career coach, guru, or “expert” can do what we do for you with Guerrilla Job Search Coaching. Because only Guerrilla Job-Search coaching uses our proprietary 7-Step “recruit-yourself” system that’s the basis for the best-selling book, “Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters 3.0”
CHOOSE - The Career Clarity Formula. Because you can’t hit a target you can’t see, you will get crystal clear on the job you seek and the 10-20 employers most likely to hire you. Includes research to find decision makers at up to 20 different employers in your industry, using a proprietary recruiting database ($500 value).
CREATE - Creative and Effective Resumes and Cover Letters. Your resumes and cover letters aren’t working. If they were, you’d be working now, right? We fix that, by creating a Guerrilla Resume and Cover Letter templates that are easy to customize and use over and over for the rest of your career
BUILD - The Online Profile Builder. The easiest way to find a job is to have the job find you. So, we guide you on creating a LinkedIn profile that makes employers and recruiters want to meet you. You work with a recruiter as your coach, giving you a tremendous edge over other candidates
LAUNCH -The Extreme Networking System. Raise your hand if you love networking. We thought so. The solution? Stop pestering friends and former co-workers with “elevator pitches” and other canned nonsense. Start having real conversations with hiring authorities who want to meet you. We show you how ($400 value).
MEET: The Hidden Job Finder. This is where the rubber meets the road, typically within 30 days. After your network is humming with activity, we tell you how to ethically “force” hiring authorities to meet with you. This is where unadvertised jobs are often offered to you or created for you ($700 value).
LAND - The Job Offer Maximizer. When it comes to negotiating your highest salary, nothing beats multiple job offers. We help you maximize your chances and become the “MWC” (Most Wanted Candidate) employers pay top dollar.
IMPROVE - The Interview Multiplier. Why settle for just one or two job interviews? It’s not uncommon for Guerrilla Job Hunters to average one interview for every two Guerrilla Resumes submitted. We help you build unstoppable momentum that leads to a rewarding new job.